Sunday, July 21, 2013

How To Find Information on the Internet - 1: Search Engines

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If you’re reading this, then you probably know about the power of the internet, and how it is able to connect you to millions of sources of information about anything from aardvarks to zygotes. In theory, this should mean that nobody who has internet access needs to be ignorant. However, things are not so simple.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Where to Meet Potential Dates in the Morning

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This came as a search query and was taken to the post I wrote on meeting potential dates online and offline here. I decided to take it up and list some specific places to hang out in order to meet dates. I guess the person searching specified morning hours as opposed to the evening or night, as those are easier with bars and parties. But morning hours are not ruled out for meeting a potential date. Check out the following tips, and add yours too.

The most important thing is wherever you end up, keep your eyes peeled and a smile on your face. Also, you have to be sure to only hang out in places where a potential date who shares that interest will be to your liking. Landing a date with a bookish type at the library will not work out in the long run if you're the run in the park type.

1. Coffeeshops - In the US, starbucks are ubiquitious, like 2 for every block here in the Seattle area. Drop by for your pre-work cappuccino or for a mid-morning snack.

2. Parks - Maybe it's time to take up jogging or running. Do it at your local park, or along the streets in your area if they're safe enough. You can also just hang out, when summer comes, with a book and drink, or invite friends for a picnic.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Beyond the Cost of Planning a Wedding

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The cost of planning a wedding in Nigeria is another search #1 which lands on the post about my big fat Nigerian wedding. Nigerian weddings are not unique in being expensive, the 2012 average cost for a wedding in the United States is around $27k (around N4million). One can even say the Nigerian wedding is more cost-effective because there's usually two or three events involved - traditional, court and church wedding.

In my previous post linked above, fellow blogger Doll, who got married in Nigeria in February 2012 says she spent about 4.5M. and my guess is that's probably the cost of an average middle-class wedding in Nigeria these days.

Now not everyone may be able to afford that and it is usually best to remember to cut your coat according to the cloth you have, and not to your size or wants. In this case, it means taking into consideration your savings and your income and trying to keep the wedding expenses within your means.

The first step is to consult both families and then agree with your fiance on the size of the wedding. It is ideal if you are able to make a definitive list of exactly the number of people you want and you can list them by name, but this is difficult to pull off for most Nigerian weddings.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Why Does He hold my hand and hug me in Public?

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This is a search #1 question that I would have thought was very open and shut? If a guy displays affection to you in public, it simply means he is attracted to you and wants you and the people around you to know it too. Most times, he would have said something about his feelings to you. If he hasn't said anything, then you have to be careful, PDAs like holding hands and hugging can also be exchanged among platonic friends.

If it is the case that you are friends with a guy and he hugs you, he may just be the touchy feely type and there may be no romantic feelings involved. If you think you may be reading too much into the person's actions, you can simply ask them?

Monday, November 5, 2012

How to say Sorry to your Boyfriend in Yoruba?

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This search landed on my romantic names in local languages which may come in useful but will definitely not speak directly to the problem if there's one. I'm guessing the person searching for this has a Yoruba partner but is not one herself. If you've offended him and you want to say sorry, I think you say Ema binu or Pele.

I confess that I'm terrible with Yoruba and can probably count on my fingers the number of Yoruba words I know. Atala and I communicate in English and I barely get a chance to practice the little I know. Maybe the children will provide the opportunity for us all to learn.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

How to Get Nigerian Igbo Guys - Search #1

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Remember when I announced the search series? Most of my #1 keywords are for topics we've already discussed, but when one we haven't comes along, I'll share - if it sounds interesting or I think you guys have an answer. The first was on how to reject a Nigerian man. Today, it is the opposite, someone wants to know how to get Nigerian Igbo guys. If these Igbo Nigerian men pictures below are anything to go by, I am not surprised, lol...